Thursday, September 24, 2015

Here's What I Do When I Find Out I'm Pregnant

I'm Pregnant Now What??

The second I find out I'm pregnant, here's what I do:

1. Get online and buy some amazing prenatal vitamins! My favorite is Prenatal VitaNatal Vitamins. MUST start taking a good prenatal vitamin right away before signs of morning sickness kick in. Currently I'm trying out MegaFood Baby & Me Herb Free vitamins. I'll post a reveiw on those here shortly, but as of now I'll be going back to VitaNatal. Click the links provided to buy either of these.

2. Quit smoking or drinking. Yes, alas, I must lay my party girl aside for a time and focus on healthy, healthy, healthy....

3. Cut down on coffee to 1 cup a day if that. This spikes my heart rate and makes it hard to breath, plus coffee dehydrates! Counter productive. However, I usually have just 1 cup. 

4. Go HERE for a due date calendar. It's been pretty accurate for my other babies. Plug in and contemplate your life for the next 9 months. It's okay. Get excited about the end! But do enjoy the journey, no matter how crazy.

5. Buy Fish Oil. Not at Wal*Mart though. I go for Natural Factors Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil or Fresh Catch Fish Oil that specifically says it's free of mercury, lead etc. This is for the Omega's that help with baby brain and organ development.

6. Start drinking lots of water. I drink about a gallon a day. This will help flush any toxins out from habits had previously, and also give ample fluids in the uterus. Plus, staying hydrated will help with energy levels, swelling, as well as prevent UTI's, which are easier to get during pregnancy.

7. Begin cleaning up my diet. This one should in theory be happening on a daily basis any way, but if I have any bad eating habits, like excess junk food, a soda a day, I start right away on cutting this down and replacing with healthier options. More detail on nutrition to come.

8. Start looking for a health care provider for prenatal care as well as begin research on labor and delivery. I will write a post on which books to study as well as some great websites. Read, read, read. The more you know, the more empowered you will be! And the less afraid of labor and delivery you'll be as well. People think I'm brave for having my 3 babies at home; reality is, I'm just educated. And I don't like hospitals!

9. Buy a moisturizer, a GOOD moisturizer. I DO NOT buy a lotion/cream/oil that has petroleum or mineral oil in it. Period. EVER. Thus I do not buy Palmer's. This is a popular brand that I did use with my first baby, and since then have been educated. I got most of the few faint stretch marks I have now from my first birth. Not blaming it on Palmer's...but I have used other things since then and had 2 babies with VERY little to no extra marks. INSTEAD, I use a few different things: Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Whipped Natural Shea Butter or RAW Cocoa Butter.

Here is How I Prevent Stretch Marks during pregnancy.

10. Don't panic.

11. Thank God for the blessings of a baby!

12. Get plenty of sleep.

I'll also be writing about how to avoid morning sickness in a post to follow.

Fit N Fancy for Life,

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